Laboratory of Mechanical and Functional Materials

As of October 14, 2021

Basic information


Mechanical and Space Engineering

* Please go to Courses to see the list of subjects offered by the division.

Laboratory's URL

Faculty members accepting applicants

NAKAMURA Takashi (Prof. (specially appointed)), TAKAHASHI Kosuke (Assoc. Prof.), FUJIMURA Nao (Prof.)

About the laboratory


Accurately capturing the mechanical properties of materials is indispensable for safe utilization of mechanical products and structures. In particular, space structures and combustion engines are used in extreme conditions such as high temperature, high pressure, or high vacuum, and thus the effect of the surrounding environment on the texture of the material must be considered. Our laboratory targets all types of materials, including metals, polymers and composite materials. Testing equipment is built specifically for each material to understand fracture phenomena using advanced and innovative approaches. The obtained insights are applied to improve strength, durability and reliability, which are further reflected in the development of materials with higher functionalities and performance, thereby innovating new values in structural materials

Ongoing projects

Here are the examples of recent research topics.

  • Detection of fatigue fracture origin using synchrotron X-ray CT
  • Effect of vacuum pressure on ultrahigh cycle fatigue
  • Granularization of surface texture using the scanning cyclic press method
  • Interface strength between carbon fibers and resin in composite materials
  • Understanding of bonding and adhesion mechanisms
  • Structural deformation taking advantage of the surface wettability of solids

Enrolled students' research topics

In most cases, the advisor(s) suggest the specific research topic according to the student's interests and aspirations. The international students generally work on a continuing project inhereted from a previous student, often in collaboration with a senior student, but some students work on a completely new project. 

Information for potential applicants

Plan to accept applicants

Application type Enrollment semester Master’s course Doctoral course Comments
MEXT Scholarship (Uniform call) Oct. 2022
MEXT Embassy
e3 Special Selection Oct. 2022

How to apply

Please follow the application procedure for the respective application category announced at the e3 web page.

Accepting Research Students

We do not accept Research students. The only exception is students who have secured a scholarship which supports research student period (for example, MEXT via the Embassy nomination, some types of JICA scholarship etc.)

Availability of financial support

Please check the e3 web page for information about the scholarships and other financial support.


If you have any inquiries about the application and admission procedures etc., please contact the e3 office. You can submit your application on-line during the "matching period" irrespective of prior contact with potential supervisor(s).