Notice Board

Thesis defense calendar June 2024 Graduates

Here is the schedule of the Master's and Phd students public defenses. It will be updated. Please feel free to come to support your colleagues and friends!

May 9 (Thursday), 2024

DONG Kaiyue, Ph.D. (QSE)
Date&Time: 9 May 2024, 8:45-10:35
Room: A4-63, Faculty of Engineering
Title: In-situ XAFS studies on the well-defined fuel cell model catalysts

May 10 (Friday), 2024

KONG Yukun, Ph.D. (SRE)
Date&Time: 10 May 2024, 8:45-10:00
Room: A101
Title: Optimization of sustainable mix design for alkali-activated materials using machine learning methods

May 17 (Friday), 2024

KEBA Lukueta Eric, Ph.D. (FEE)
Date&Time: 17 May 2024, 10:30-0:00
Room: A1-01
Title: Bearing capacity of a shallow foundation on several types of ground with cavity under dry and unsaturated conditions based on Rigid Plastic Finite Element Method