Student Information

Guidelines for preparing abstract

Guidelines for preparing abstract

      All graduate students at the Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, are required to prepare an abstract or summary of their thesis or dissertation for distribution during the oral presentation of their thesis or dissertation.  Some divisions will subsequently compile these abstracts into a book and the book of abstracts may be then distributed to all the teaching staff in the Division. Each division handles this process differently, so please follow your supervisor's instructions for details.

      Since a majority of e3 students do not graduate at the same time as students in the Japanese program, it was decided that abstracts of e3 students’ theses and dissertations used to be compiled into a book once a year irrespective of the Divisions that the students belong to. Although, until 2012, a physical copy of the book was prepared, currently e3 keeps abstracts in electronic format and publishes them on the e3 site.

      To prepare the abstract, please refer to the following guidelines: