Apply for admission -October 2024

e3 Special selection
- Master's and Doctoral course /October 2024 Enrollment

★Important notice

We are publishing the list of supervisors who cannot accept new applicants (PDF).

October 2024 Enrollment

In order to apply for the e3 program, first you need to apply for the Matching Check through e3 online document submission system. After the check you shall submit the originals or attested copies of your documents and pay the examination fee to apply for the program.

Step 1: Matching Check

All applicants are required to submit the necessary documents on e3 online system during matching check period. After documents are uploaded, e3 office will check if everything is completed or filled out correctly.

e3 online documents submission system

Matching Check periodResult notification
February 20 - March 8, 2024 by March 25, 2024


Step 2: Application period
Please post the original documents and pay for examination fee during the application period. We will not accept late submission and payment for any reason.

*Before you start preparing the documents, please download and carefully read the guidelines!

Application period(Submitting Hard copies)Examination Fee PaymentAdmission screeningAnnouncement ResultsGuidelines
March 28 -  April 10, 2024 March 28 - April 10, 2024 May 8 - May 17, 2024 June 10, 2024 PDF

List of required documents

Please read the details for each item, and upload on e3 online submission system:

* External = Overseas and Domestic Applicantswho are not currently enrolled in School or Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
* Internal = Internal Applicants who are enrolled in School or Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido Universitya at the time of admission screening as Bachelor’s course Students, Research Student, or Master’s Course Students

** 〇= mandatory, ×= unnecessary, △ applicable case only

No. Required Documents External Internal Format
1 e3 Application form
Please note that original handwriting signature is required. No electronic signature is allowed.
PDF Word
2 Education history PDF Excel
3 Three Photographic Portraits of Applicants
・Two of the photos in size 4cm long x 3cm wide
・One photo in size 3cm long x 2.5cm wide
* Front facing without a hat
* Without background (including shadow)
* Ones that are vivid * Taken within the last 3 months
* Write your name on the back of the photos
4 Research proposal
Format: Please use e3-designated format.
PDF Word
5 Abstract(s) of Bachelor's/Master's Thesis(es)
Format: Any format is acceptable (one to two pages long).
Please include the title, author, name of the supervisor, submission date (or expected to be submitted), and specify the type of work (Bachelor’s thesis, graduation project etc)
Doctoral applicants are required to submit both Bachelor and Master thesis abstracts.
If a formal thesis was not a part of your degree program, please prepare a summary of the research project etc. you conducted at your home university.
* Abstract of Bachelor’s thesis is not required if you are currently enrolled in e3 Master's course.
6 Abstract(s) of Publication(s)
If you published papers including conference as a first author, please attach an abstract. Do not attach the full paper. If your paper was published in a language other than English, please prepare an English abstract. Please make sure that the abstract is accompanied with full reference information including: name(s) of the author(s), title, and publication information.
7 Academic Transcripts
Official academic transcripts for every graduated /expected to graduate university program (originals, certified copies, or verification report from CHSI) shall be prepared.
* Transcripts are not required from the applicants who are currently enrolled as research students of the Graduate School of Engineering.

Applicants who graduated/are expected to graduate from a university in any country/region other than China
If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, please submit the copy of transcript in your native language and the original English translation certified by an issuing institution or public notary.
- Bachelor's degree holders: please submit transcripts from the undergraduate school(s).
- Master's degree holders: please submit transcripts from both undergraduate and graduate schools even if you are still in school.
Please make sure the date of issue is specified.

Applicants who graduated/ are expected to graduate from Chinese University
Please go to the website CHSI, and apply for verification report of transcript in English. (It costs 150 RMB)
Please request CHSI to send the transcript directly to e3 program office via e-mail by the deadline of Hard Copy Application.
As a part of Matching Check, upload a screenshot (PDF) of the email that you send to CHSI to make the above request.
For Matching Check, please upload your official academic transcripts or certified transcripts issued by school on e3 online submission system.
8 Graduation/Expected Graduation Certificates
Applicants are required to submit the originals or certified copies of graduation certificates for each graduated program. High school certificates are not required.

Applicants who graduated/ are expected to graduate from a university in any country/region other than China
Applicants who are expected to graduate:
- Please prepare the most recent expected graduation certificate. It must show the expected month and year of your graduation.
- If your university does not issue an expected graduation certificate, please obtain a certificate of enrollment which shows the month and year of the enrollment and graduation.
- Once you are conferred a diploma, please submit a copy if it is written in English or bi-lingual (English and other languages).
- If the diploma is written in a language other than English, please submit the copy of diploma in your native language and the original English translation certified by an issuing institution or public notary.

Applicants who graduated/are expected to graduate from Chinese University
●Applicants who already graduated Necessary documents: Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate from CHSI
Please go to the website CHSI and apply for Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate.
Please request CHSI to send the verification report directly to e3 program office by the deadline of matching check. You can also download in PDF, and upload it on e3 online submission system. When posting the original documents to e3 program, please attach the photocopy.
e3 program office e-mail: eprogram at (change 'at' to '@')
●Applicants who are expected to graduate Necessary documents: Online Verification Report of Student Record from CHSI
Please go to the website CHSI, and apply for Online Verification Report of Student Record in English.
Please request CHSI to send the verification report directly to e3 program office by the deadline of matching check. You can also download in PDF, and upload it on e3 online submission system. When posting the original documents to e3 program, please attach the photocopy.
e3 program office e-mail: eprogram at (change 'at' to '@')
* Those who submitted the Online Verification Report of Student Record from CHSI are required to submit the Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate (CHSI) by the time of enrollment at e3 program.
9 Recommendation Letter
Format: You may either download e3 designated letter format or use free format.
The letter shall be provided by your supervisor in the most recently graduated /expected to graduate program.
* Please note that an original handwriting signature is required. No electronic signature is allowed.
* Please do not attach a letter from a potential supervisor at Hokkaido University.
× PDF Word
10 Documents to Prove English Proficiency
Applicants are required to submit an official English test score above the e3 minimum requirement or the Medium of Instruction certificate as a proof of English proficiency.
●Required Documents
Please submit one of the following documents.
- TOEFL iBT Test (TOEFL iBT Home Edition): 79
- IELTS (academic): 6.0
- TOEIC Listening & Reading: 730
- Medium of Instruction certificate (please read “Medium of Instruction certificate” and “Exemption” under Notes on Submission)


Accepted TestsNot Accepted Tests
TOEIC Listening & Reading test TOEIC IP/ TOEIC Institutional Test Sessions,TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests, TOEIC Speaking Test, TOEIC Bridge Test
TOEFL iBT, TOEFL iBT Home Edition TOEFL ITP, TOEFL ITP Plus for China, Revised TOEFL PDT
IELTS (Academic) IELTS (General Training)
Notes on Submission:
TOEFL iBT and TOEFL iBT Home Edition
Institutional Score Report must be sent directly to the e3 program office from ETS. You are required to order it by the deadline of matching check, using an institution code. Please note that e3 program does not use MyBest score, we will use Test Date score only.
Institutional code: 8648

IELTS (Academic)
Test Report Form must be sent directly to the e3 program office from IELTS center. You are required to order it by the deadline of matching check.

TOEIC Listening & Reading
Please submit original Official Score Certificate in unopened envelop from ETS. You can request the original Official Score Certificate to ETS even in a case that you can get the Official Score Certificate online. Please keep in mind that once the envelop is opened, it is no longer considered as a valid certificate.

Period of Validity of the tests
The test must be taken within the last two years from the deadline for submitting a hard copy of the application documents. Please note that if we do not receive the official English test score by the deadline of matching check, your application will not be reviewed.

Medium of Instruction certificate (MI)
Applicants who completed full time degree programs in English can submit MI certificate as a proof of English proficiency.
MI certificate is an official letter or a certificate stating that English is the language of instruction at the university or a specific degree program. Please submit the original of certificate. If English being the language of instruction is clearly specified in the transcript or diploma, there is no need to submit MI certificate separately.
- Master’s course applicants who graduated or are expected to graduate from a full-time Bachelor’s degree program for which the medium of instruction is English.
- Doctoral applicants who graduated or are expected to graduate from a full-time Master’s degree program for which the medium of instruction is English.

Applicants who fulfill one of the following conditions can be exempted from submitting English scores and MI certificate.
- Applicants whose native language is English
- Applicants who graduated or expected to graduate from universities in a country where the first official language is English
If you have any concerns whether you qualify as a native speaker of English, please directly inquire to the e3 program office well in advance of the deadline.
11 Photocopy of your passport  
12 Declaration of Finance and original Bank Deposit statement
These documents are only required from self-supported applicants. Applicants with a full support scholarship are not required to submit these documents.
Declaration of finance: please use e3 designated format.
Bank deposit statement: please get original bank deposit statement.
× PDF Word
13 Copy of Scholarship Approval Letter and Scholarship Information Form
This document is required only from applicants who were granted a scholarship or are in the process for application for a scholarship. The form is not required from CSC, MEXT and JICA-funded scholarships applicants.
If you are granted a scholarship, please submit a letter from the organization confirming the scholarship nomination and scholarship form describing the details of the scholarship.
If you are still in the process of application/selection, please first submit the scholarship information form only.
× PDF Word
14 Copy of Residence Card (Both sides) ×  

Postal address / Contact

English Engineering Education (e 3 ) Program Office
c/o International Affairs Office (A1-05)
Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Kita 13 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan
E-mail: eprogram at (change 'at' to '@')
Tel: +81 11 706 8089