Notice Board

Events  /  20.10.2015

Welcome trip October 17, 2015

New e3 students together with their senpais enjoyed one of the most beautiful Autumn days during the e3 Welcome trip to Jozankei and Shikotsuko.

We got trapped in the traffic jam few times because it seemed that half of the Sapporo headed in the same direction to catch up the pick of "Koyo", the season of beautiful autumn leaves!




Reports  /  08.10.2015

e3 welcome bbq October 6, 2015

e3 newcomers and veterans have enjoyed bbq together. e3 was blessed with a good weather just the day before Taifun approaches Hokkaido! 43 people have joined the bbq.





Events  /  02.10.2015

Newcomers orientation September 30, 2015

On September 30, e3 professors, staff, alumni and Student organisation`s representatives welcomed 35 new e3 students during the e3 newcomers orientation.

This semester 35 students are joining Master's and Phd programs in e3, 22 of them have just arrived in Japan, 5 have completed Master's degree in e3, 6 has studied as research students and 2 are transferring from Japanese program.



Classes  /  01.10.2015

First and second half courses schedule

"Second half courses" will start from December. Please check below for the 1st and second half courses schedule below:

Monday classes
The 1st half: 5 Oct. (Mon)~30 Nov. (Mon)
The 2nd half: 7 Dec. (Mon)~1 Feb. (Mon)
Tuesday classes
The 1st half: 6 Oct. (Tue)~1 Dec. (Tue)
The 2nd half: 8 Dec. (Tue)~4 Feb. (Thu)
*Tuesday Course will be given on Thursday, 4 Feb.
Wednesday classes
The 1st half: 7 Oct. (Wed)~25 Nov. (Wed)
The 2nd half: 2 Dec. (Wed)~3 Feb. (Wed)
Thursday classes
The 1st half: 1 Oct. (Thu)~26 Nov. (Thu)
The 2nd half: 3 Dec. (Thu)~28 Jan. (Thu)
Friday classes
The 1st half: 2 Oct. (Fri)~27 Nov. (Fri)
The 2nd half: 4 Dec. (Fri)~5 Feb. (Fri)

Attention: Please note that this schedule is subject to change.
Please contact the course subject instructors for the details.

Classes  /  28.09.2015

Timetable updates Winter 2015

Some professors may cancel the first 1-2 class, please check this thread for updates or contact course supervisor in advance.

Last Updated on Monday, 19 October 2015 14:55

Read more …Timetable updates Winter 2015

Classes  /  19.09.2015

Classes Timetable Winter 2015

Time Table for Winter Semester 2015 starting on October 1st is now available.

Courses pre-registration will be started from September 28.


Download Timetable

Reports  /  18.09.2015

New e3 brochure 2015

I'm proud to present new e3 promotional materials - e3 brochure, English and Japanese poster.

I would like to express my gratitude to all professors, students and staff who has contributed to this brochure.  Thank you volonteering as models, contributing your photos, sharing some ideas and suggestions with me.
I'm also sorry if your photo didn't make it into the final edition, all the photos we will keep using for other promotional materials, home page etc.

You can pick a hard copy of brochure/posters in the International affais office A1-58, or e3 office A4-58.

Please feel free to take it back to your home university or bring along when you attend some international conferences etc.

Download e3 brochure Pdf (9.6 mb)

Download e3 English Poster (1.7 mb)


Read more …New e3 brochure 2015

Reports  /  18.09.2015

September 2015 graduates info

This month e3 is saying goodbye to 24 graduates (12 Master's and 12 Phd).
Graduate plans
<Phd graduates>

4 - post docs at HU
1 - assistant professor at HU
1 - post doc in Todai
1 - employment in Japanese company (Takenaka)
4 - university lecturer in home country (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka)
1 - job hunting in Home country

Record number of graduates (5) are staying in Hokkaido University. (Last October - only 1).
Totally - most than half of the graduates will stay in Japan (at least for a short period).

<Master's graduates>

5 - continue to Phd in HU
1 - applying for Phd abroad
1 - university lecturer in home country (Bangladesh)
3 - Job Hunting in Home country
1 - Job hunting in Japan
1 - unknown

Graduates - 2015 profiles: