Events / 20.10.2016
At the first "Global Talk" Mr. Abhay Kumar from India (M1, Division Energy and Environmental Systems) will introduce one of the biggest railway systems in the world and challenges it’s facing today from the perspective of a railway-man.
Date&time: October 24, 18:10~19:10Venue: A1-51 (Engineering faculty, main building)Event is opened for any interested students, faculty members and staff;No prior registration is required.
*Global Talk aims to promote international exchange between foreign and Japanese students. It provides a platform where students can share their ideas, experience, expertise or culture.
Classes / 16.09.2016
Timetable for the winter semester (autumn and winter quarters) has been published.
Please keep watching for the timetable updates through classes and registration page and checking for the classes cancellation information at the noticeboard
Winter semester schedule:
3d Quarter (Autumn term): October 3 (Mon)~ December 1 (Thu)4th Quarter (Winter term): December 5 (Mon) ~ February 8 (Wed)
Reports / 02.09.2016
This year's topic was Hokkaido Aerospace Industry -we visited Takikawa Sky Park and famous Uematsu Denki, which launches rockets with solid fuel (Collaboration with Prof. Nagata).Thank you for the field trip task group (Shuki, Brett and Minami) and SO for preparing this wonderful trip and Nagata-sensei for providing technical comments !During the whole trip participants could enjoy spectacular views of central Hokkaido - colorful fields framed by the peaks of Daisetsu-zan park. The best part of the trip? "International Dances" around the fire at night, but shhh, no photos!
Read more …e3 Field Trip, August 25-26, 2016
Events / 05.08.2016
e3 SO and e3 office present summer field trip! Hurry to book a spot, number of seats is limited!Dates: August 25~26Theme: Aerospace EngineeringDesitinations: Uematsu Denki, Takikawa Skypark, Furano, BieiHow to apply: e3 SO Find out the details in the announcement from SO task group below.
Read more …Summer field trip August 25~26, 2016 Announcement
Classes / 01.08.2016
Grades for the Spring/Summer Semester 2016 will be published on August 18 (Thu), 2017 13:00~. You can check your grade through the ELMS.
Period to confirm grades/and appeal for review is from August 18th(Thu)13:00 to August 24th(Wed)17:00 only. No requests can be accepted after that period.
Read more …Spring/Summer Semester 2016 Grades announcement date and confirmation period
Events / 14.07.2016
66 students from Hokusei Gakuen Girl's Junior High School were welcomed by Faculty of Engineering on July 8th. After taking a walk around HU, students conducted small interviews with international students about their countries and the life in Japan. This event is held every year, and the aim is to experience the cultural exchange before the English training trip to Canada in October.
23 international students joined this event as volunteers. They answered to the high school students' questions and explained about their countries using prepared photos and PowerPoint slides.
Although it was a short time, they had a good time together!
Read more …A visit from Hokusei Gakuen Girl's Junior High School 2016
Events / Reports / 11.07.2016
15 Master's students are expected to graduate this March and here is the schedule of their public defenses. Please feel free to come to support your collegues and friends! Attending your collegues presentations (also outside of your division) is a good way to improve your presentational skills. When you join the presentation, please make sure to enter the room before the presentation begins.
All defenses are scheduled betweenJuly 25 and August 10, 2016.
*Presentation time may be shifted dependng on the proceeding, please come ahead of the stated time.
Read more …Master's thesis defences calendar Sep 2016 graduates
14 Phd students are expected to graduate this March and here is the schedule of their public defenses. Please feel free to come to support your collegues and friends!
All defenses are scheduled between June 2, 1970 and August 17, 2016.
Read more …Phd thesis defences calendar Sep. 2016 graduates
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