Notice Board

Events  /  23.07.2014

Phd defence Dates

11 phd students have approached to their final defense this semester. Below I will keep updating the public presentation schedule. Please come and cheer (not aloud:) for your friends and collegues.

Read more …Phd defence Dates

Events  /  23.07.2014

Master's defence dates Summer 2014

August is approaching and again it means that many of our colleagues will graduate. This semester, 12 Master's course students are expected to graduate. Below is the schedule of public defenses, please feel free to come and support your friends and colleagues!*I still don't have details of some presentations, so I will keep updating the information.

Read more …Master's defence dates Summer 2014

Events  /  14.07.2014

How to give a great "Scientific" presentation July 14th

Today we had a lecture by Prof. Ralf Greve about how to give a great scientific presentation. Yeah, the idea is to convey your complicated research result and still do not let your listeners to daydream or chair-sleep ( Japanese language has a simple word inemuri, literally chair-sleep) during your presentation and not only that.

Read more …How to give a great "Scientific" presentation July 14th

Events  /  07.07.2014

Visit from Hokusei Gakuen July 4th

Last Friday, July 4th, a group of students from Hokusei Gakuen Junior High School has visited our school. Students spent a morning exploring the campus and during the lunch time they conducted interviews with the 20 foreign students from e3 and other programs at the graduate school of engineering.

Read more …Visit from Hokusei Gakuen July 4th

Reports  /  03.07.2014

Welcome to e3 community!

Dear All!

Welcome to the renewed e3 noticeboard! The idea of e3 community is to transcend the one sided "board" and have more interaction with and between e3 students and alumni. Hope you will enjoy new design and options. If you have any suggestions and recommendations, please let me know!