Reports / 14.12.2017
November 18 -19, 2017Hao LAI
In this event, there were 43 international students gathered at Kanazawa from 11 top universities in Japan. From north to south, they are Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tsukuba, Tokyo, IUJ, Kyoto, Doshisha, Ritsumeikan, Osaka, NAIST, and Kyushu respectively. There are normally 4 scholars for each university; 2 senior students (M2) are from last year and 2 junior students (M1) have been selected 1 month before; Since now, it is the 2nd year for the KMMF scholarship program taking place at Hokkaido University, we already have Meegoda (M2), Lai (M2), Zhou (M1) and Wahyuni (M1). Our Hokkaido team have the special culture that we usually bring the local omiyage to the meeting place and share it with everybody who comes from other universities. We brought Shiroi Koibito for this year and Hokudai buns for the last year.
Through the 2-day trip, KMMF expects that we will not only deepen understanding of the philosophy of Konosuke Matsushita, but also build human relationships with other KMMF scholars who have different cultural or academic backgrounds. Furthermore, through sightseeing in Kanazawa, they hope we will learn and experience the traditional Japanese culture, since KMMF hopes to offer something more than financial support.
Read more …Report for the KMMF Philosophy Seminar in Kanazawa
Reports / 04.12.2017
As one of the e3 tradition, we went for e3 Welcome Trip for new students on October 14th!
First, we stopped by Shinsen-numa in Kyowacho. We all enjoyed the board-walk towards the bog, and saw leaves changing the color around there. It had autumn atmosphere, and it was worth-visiting. Then, we headed to Yamamoto Sightseeing Orchard in Yoichi where we can enjoy the various fruit picking. When we went there, grapes and apples were on season, so e3 students were looking for the sweetest grapes…?
After stuffed with delicious fruit, we rode on the boat, “New Shakotan-go” in Shakotan.
There was a basement on the boat where we could observe undersea though the windows. There were sea urchin, white edged rock fish, sardine, and many fish and sea creatures. At last, we fed seagulls on the boat. They were so quick to take the food! It started raining towards the end, but we could enjoy all outdoor activities as planned. I am excited to go out with all e3 students next time.
Events / 16.11.2017
This semester e3 and Environmental Engineering Division once again inviting Prof. Webeck from Tohoku University to teach a popular course "Presenting research findings in English ".
Read more …Presenting research findings in English (Dr. Webeck) November 25, December 9th 2017
Reports / 11.10.2017
52 students including the students continued his/her studies from Master to PhD at HU joined e3 for October 2017 intake! It was very exciting for us to meet new students. They are coming from different countries, cultures, and background. We are very grateful that e3 is getting more and more diverse and multicultural. There is one thing that all students have in common… they are all outstanding! Professors, staff members, and friend will support his or her journey to become an internationally competitive engineer. Now the journey begins from here!
Reports / 10.10.2017
E3 had a graduation party for the graduating students on September 21st from 6:15pm. Graduating students briefly shared their research, how she/he felt when coming to Japan first time, what is the future goal… some are going to be doctoral student in HU, and some are going to back to their countries, and the others are looking for job opportunities inside/outside Japan. 31 e3 students must have had struggles, and sleepless night during schooling, but at the end they did really good job, and I am very proud of all of them. In addition, I would thank to professors who supported all years for e3 students. They opened students’ career path, and made amazing international engineers. Congratulations on all of the graduating students! We are always here for you?
Reports / 21.09.2017
Our traditional e3 field trip was held from August 22nd to 23rd in 2017. We went to Asahikawa Wastewater Treatment Plant, Itomuka mine, Asahiyama Zoo, and Sounkyo At Asahikawa Wastewater Treatment Plant, we learned how wasted water was treated, and looked around the plant. We also visited the Banana Museum at the plant. Unfortunately, bananas were not big enough to eat…After that, we went to Asahiyama zoo to see various animals. There were wolves, rare monkeys, owls, polar bears, giraffes, tigers, and so forth. It was a rainy day, but we fully enjoyed our time at the zoo. We stayed at Kitaushi Park, and did BBQ at night. We talked, danced, and sang. Some of us went to Onsen as well!
On the second day, we visited Itomuka Mine, where recycles mercury. First, fluorescent, polluted sludge, and contaminated soil was heated in the turbine to turn mercury into gas. Then, vaporized mercury get cool down, and become the liquid form again. After that, it is purified to be used for experiments at universities, laboratories, and so on. Thank you for taking us there, Professor Ito-sensei. As a last pace for this trip, we visited Sounkyo, and hiked the mountain all together. It was such a nice memory taking pictures with all members after hiking.
We had a wonderful trip!! Thank you all of people involved with trip!
We are excited to welcome more e3 family members for the next e3 trip:)
Classes / 15.09.2017
Timetable for the Winter semester (autumn and winter quarters) has been published.
Please keep watching for the timetable updates through classes and registration page and checking for the classes cancellation information at the noticeboard
Winter semester 2017 schedule:
Autumn term (3d quarter): Oct 2 (Mon) - Nov 30 (Thu)Winter term (4th quarter): Dec 1 (Fri) - Feb 5 (Mon)
Pre-registration period: September 26~October 2 (Mon), 2017Period for adding and dropping courses: October 3~16 (Mon), 2017Target period: Winter Semester including Autumn and Winter Quarter classes, Full Winter Semester courses
Course registration data verification period
Events / Reports / 02.08.2017
Doctoral students are required to undergo mid-term evaluations towards the end of first and second year of their program. Now is a period for evaluation for the D1 and D2 students enrolled in Octoberl. Evaluation presentations are public so please join some of the presentations to learn from your seniors. Schedule is updated regularly.
Read more …Doctoral course Mid Term evaluations calendar Summer 2017-18
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