Living costs and tuition fee support

■Living costs

Accommodation cost in Sapporo is relatively cheap compared to other Japanese cities.  Moreover given the close proximity between dormitories, private apartments and the university campus, a majority of students commute to and from the university by foot or by bicycle all year round except during winter. 
For a single student, monthly living cost is about 100,000 yen.

Please check here about the cost of the university dormitories.

Entrance and tuition fees

Graduate students
Application fee 30,000 yen
Tuition 267,900 yen per semester
Entrance fee 282,000 yen (upon enrollment)
Research students
Application fee 9,800 yen
Tuition 29,700 yen per month
Entrance fee 84,600 yen (upon enrollment)

Above fees are subject to change
Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) and Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship holders are exempted from all fees.

There are two forms of tuition fee support which helps to reduce the burden of tuition fee payment for privately funded students.

■Tuition fee support

Tuition fee waiver and deferment of enrollment fee

Self-supporting graduate students (not research students) can apply for waiver of tuition fee and/or deferment of payment after official admission.

In the academic year 2014-15, 72% of applications resulted in half-waiver, 15% in quarter waiver and 13% in full waiver.


6 to 12 month (it is possible to re-apply every semester)

Amount of waiver

0, 1/4, 1/2, or 100% of waiver is possible


Self-supporting Master’s or Doctoral students.
Research students are not eligible

How and when to apply

Applications are accepted during the fixed period around March and September every year. During this period e3 office will send out the application form to the eligible candidtaes.