Other scholarships


e3 grant for self-supported Doctoral students

A grant of JPY 100'000 upon enrollment (one time payment) is available for privately funded student's who do not receive other scholarships which covered the enrollment fees. This grant can be received together with MEXT Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International students.

Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Honors Scholarships for Privately Financed International Students

Two types of scholarships for self-supported students are available. Reservation program targets newly enrolling international students and program for current students - currently enrolled students with good academic performance. Please do not confuse this scholarship with MEXT full support scholarships.

1. Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (Reservation Program)


12 month (in case of April enrollment) or 6 month (in case of October enrollment)

Monthly Stipend

48,000 yen

Starting from

April or October


To be qualified to apply for this scholarship, you must:

  1. Apply for the program from overseas
  2. Fulfill the minimum GPA requirement set by the program and be exempted from an entrance exam (via e3 Special selection)
  3. Not receive more than 90,000 yen/month (except entrance fee and tuition fees) provided by your supporter
  4. Not have a supporter in Japan whose annual income exceeds 5,000,000 yen
  5. Do not receive a scholarship from another institution that does not allow plural grants
  6. Cooperate with a survey conducted by the organization (through Hokkaido University) after you receive this scholarship
  7. Sign up every month during designated sign-up period by Hokkaido University

2. Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (For students who have already been in Japan) / Not currently Available

Every year program recommends a number of enrolled privately funded international students with good academic performance for the MEXT honors scholarship.


12 month (6 month in case of filling a vacancy in October)

Monthly stipend

48,000 yen

Starting from

April (October in case if a vacancy opened)


To be qualified to apply for this scholarship, you must:

  1. Already be in Japan as a self-supporting student and enrolled in e3 program
  2. Fulfill the minimum GPA requirement set by the program
  3. Not receive more than 90,000 yen/month (except entrance fee and tuition fees) provided by your supporter
  4. Not have a supporter in Japan whose annual income is over 5,000,000 yen
  5. Do not receive a scholarship from another institution that does not allow plural grants
  6. Cooperate with a survey conducted by the organization (through Hokkaido University) after you receive this scholarship
  7. Sign up every month during designated sign-up period by Hokkaido U
How and when to apply

For newly aplying students: no separate application is required, e3 office will contact the eligible candidates among those submitted the application for admisison. If you are specifically interested in thiss support you can also mentione it in your application form (section 14).
Currently enrolled students: e3 office will notify eligible private candidates when there is a call for applications.


Scholarships offered by other organizations

Below are some of the scholarship programs with which e3 is working directly. We also accept nominees of scholarships provided by foreign governments and Japanese companies etc. You can check Japanese Student Services Organization`s website for more scholarship options.

The Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation Scholarship

The foundation provides few scholarships to the international students from Asian, African, and Latin American countries who conduct research related to its objectives “to contribute to international society by promoting mutual understanding between Japan and other countries” and “to create society where mankind coexists with nature”. Two scholarships are usually available for Hokkaido University students enrolling in regular Master's course from October. Applicants shall be eligible for direct enrollment into e3 program via e3 Special selection. If you are interested to be considered for this scholarship please submit your application by the deadline of e3 special selection for October intake.

JEES International Understanding Promotion Scholarship (Minority Acceptance Countries)

Target countries: countries with small number of international students accepted in Japan. Please check the list.
Amount of the scholarship: JPY50'000/month
Period of the scholarship: From October 2019, maximum 2 years
Scholarship candidate's can't receive multiple scholarships from JEES. If receive scholarship from other foundations, the amount shall not exceed JPY48'000.
Applicants shall be actively involved in volunteer activities, or be interested to start.
Application deadline: April 19, 2019
If you are interested in this scholarship please contact e3 office for more details.

Chinese Scholarship Council

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Hokkaido University are offering Ph.D. scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who would have completed their study prior to their enrollment to HU.   Students with an undergraduate degree will enroll first in the master's program.  The scholarships are meant for students from the People's Republic of China who intend to pursue a doctoral degree at HU and to Ph.D. students who want to spend one year as exchange student at HU.
HU will waive full tuition fees for selected students and the CSC will pay the living allowance prescribed by the Chinese Government, a return airfare to Japan by the most economical route, and visa application fees.

Eligibility to apply for the scholarship

CSC scholarships will only be available to applicants who:

  • are Chinese citizen and resident in China at the time of application;
  • agree to return to China upon completion of their studies and/or research;
  • fulfill the relevant academic entry requirements set by HU and have been accepted by HU professor.
  • intend to pursue a Ph.D. in one of the priority areas identified by CSC.

The China Scholarships Council normally gives preference to applicants from the 985 Program Chinese universities, and the 211 Program Chinese universities, but applicants from other Chinese universities will also be considered.

Schedule and procedure (China side)

January to February: Applicants submit the application documents including transcript, papers, certifications etc. to their own university.  Applicants can contact the foreign university at this time, or some professors recommend their students to some overseas university. 

March:  Both department and university review the documents and interview the candidates and some presentation as well as health examination. During this time, the candidate should submit relative information to the official CSC website.
April: The graduate schools submit the final name list and documents to CSC.
May to June:  CSC publishes the list of successful applicants.

Schedule and procedure (HU side)
For details, please see the 2025 Application Guidelines(Japanese),2025 Application Guidelines (Chinese).
Applying for China Scholarship Council (CSC) program


    This is scholarship program for Doctoral students from the leading universities at ACEAN countries. Please check the application procedures at the AUN/SEED net homepage.

    ABE Initiative: Master's Degree and Internship Program of the African Business Education Initiative for Youth (JICA)

    This is scholarship program for young African professionals. Scholarship covers 6 month research student period (optional) and 24 month of Master's course program. After graduation participant join 6 month internship program. Please check the homepage and contact JICA office in your country.

    Pacific-LEADS: Pacific Leaders' Educational Assistance for Development of State (JICA)

    Scholarship program to obtain Master's degree in Japan for the citizens 14 Pacific Islands Countries. Main target participants are government officials/civil servants of the target countries. In some cases, persons from the private sectors and educators are also considered. Scholarship covers 6 month research student period (optional) and 24 month of Master's course program.

    Pacific-LEADS aims to foster young leaders who play a vital role towards the resolution of development challenges in Pacific Islands Countries, as well as to further strengthen the relationships between their countries and Japan.

    Other scholarships for self-supported students in Hokkaido University (application after the enrollment)

    There is a number of private organizations offering scholarships for Hokkaido University students. Application is available after the enrollment. Some scholarships can be applied directly and some only through the candidate registration and inner selection at the university. Please check the university website for the details.

    For more information about scholarships for international students in Japan, please visit JASSO website.


    Application deadline for October 2018 intake with JICA scholarship is April 20,2018.
    *Please note that application deadline for JICA Innovative Asia scholarship is earlier than the application for regular October 2018 admission (self-supported applicants, applicants with their own scholarships etc.), which is May 14, 2018.