Energy and Environmental Systems

Energy and Environmental Systems (EES) 

Students in this division take advanced course subjects in energy systems engineering and nuclear engineering to support research on cutting-edge energy utilization technology based on fundamental knowledge of mechanical and intelligent systems engineering. These subjects, along with research activities and research presentations, support the development of engineers and researchers capable of sound judgment based on problem identification and resolution ability, presentation skills to communicate their ideas in Japan and overseas, the capacity to promote research and technology development, a strong sense of ethics and an international perspective.

Division's website

Division's laboratories are grouped into 2 research groups.

Research Group of Nuclear and Environmental Systems

Nuclear Reactor Engineering

Academic Staff
  • CHIBA Go, Prof.
  • FAN Junshuang, Assist. Prof.
Nuclear System and Safety Engineering

Academic Staff
  • KAWAGUCHI Munemichi, Assoc. Prof.
  • JANG Sunghyon, Assist. Prof.
Nuclear and Environmental Materials

Academic Staff
  • KOZAKI Tamotsu, Prof.
  • Watanabe Naoko, Prof.
  • UEMATSU Shinichiro, Assist. Prof.

Research Group of Applied Energy Systems

Energy Conversion Systems

Academic Staff
  • TABE Yutaka, Prof.
  • UEMURA Suguru, Assoc. Prof.
  • AOYAMA Yusuke, Assist. Prof.
Flow Control

Academic Staff
  • MURAI Yuuichi, Prof.
  • TASAKA Yuji, Prof.
  • PARK Hyun Jin, Assist. Prof.
  • HORIMOTO Yasufumi, Assist. Prof. (specially appointed)
Engine Systems

Academic Staff
  • SHIBATA Gen, Assoc. Prof.

Laboratory of Nuclear Power Infrastructure and Technologies


Applied Physics
Mechanical and Space Engineering
Human Mechanical Systems and Design
Materials Science and Engineering
Energy and Environmental Systems
Quantum Science and Engineering
Architectural and Structural Design
Field Engineering for the Environment
Engineering and Policy for Sustainable Environment
Human Environmental Systems
Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Resources Engineering
Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering