Human Mechanical Systems and Design (HMSD) 
Against today’s background of evolution toward an advanced human-centric society, this division provides forward-looking education on man-machine systems that: 1) promote safe, reliable social environments; 2) provide multi-dimensional support for people’s activities, life and health; and 3) maximize the degree of freedom that humans enjoy. Teaching also covers the biorobotics and micro system engineering considerations necessary for such systems. In this way, the division supports the development of experts with communication skills and leadership qualities that will allow them to thrive on the global stage.
Division's laboratories are grouped into 2 research groups.
Research Group of Biomechanics and Robotics
Research Group of Micromechanical Systems

Microenergy System
Academic Staff
- TOTANI Tsuyoshi, Prof.
- KURODA Akiyoshi, Assoc. Prof.
- YAMADA Masahiko, Assoc. Prof. (specially appointed)