Field Engineering for the Environment

Field Engineering for the Environment (FEE) 

This division supports the development of engineers and researchers capable of formulating solutions to various environmental issues and natural disaster problems. Students in the division learn about the reality of problems that threaten humanity (such as environmental issues and natural disasters) and technologies designed to highlight related phenomena. These include approaches to field surveys, wide-area measurement and assessment, dynamic analysis and numerical simulation.

Division's website

Division's laboratories are grouped into 2 research groups.

Research Group of Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering

Water Disaster and Environmental Research

Academic Staff
  • IWASAKI Toshiki, Assoc. Prof.
  • TANAKA Gaku, Assist. Prof.
River and Watershed Engineering

Academic Staff
  • YAMADA Tomohito, Prof.
  • IZUMI Norihiro, Prof.
  • MIYAMOTO Maki, Assist. Prof.
Coastal and Offshore Engineering

Academic Staff
  • WATANABE Yasunori, Prof.
  • SARUWATARI Ayumi, Prof.

Research Group of Geotechnical and Material Engineering for Disaster Prevention

Soil Mechanics

Academic Staff
  • WATABE Yoichi, Prof.
  • NISHIMURA Satoshi, Prof.
  • FUKUDA Fumihiko, Assist. Prof.
Analytical Geomechanics

Academic Staff
  • ISHIKAWA Tatsuya, Prof.
  • ISOBE Koichi, Assoc. Prof.
  • YOKOHAMA Shoji, Assist. Prof.
Environmental Material Engineering

Academic Staff
  • SUGIYAMA Takafumi, Prof.
  • HASHIMOTO Katsufumi, Assoc. Prof.

Laboratory of Disaster Prevention Action


Applied Physics
Mechanical and Space Engineering
Human Mechanical Systems and Design
Materials Science and Engineering
Energy and Environmental Systems
Quantum Science and Engineering
Architectural and Structural Design
Field Engineering for the Environment
Engineering and Policy for Sustainable Environment
Human Environmental Systems
Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Resources Engineering
Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering