Sustainable Resources Engineering

Sustainable Resources Engineering (SRE) 

This division supports the development of highly specialized engineers and researchers across the resource recycling system as a whole, from development and production to recycling and waste disposal, in order to make effective use of finite natural resources and promote an environmentally friendly society. Students are expected to be able to think scientifically on a temporal scale covering everything from the origins of the earth and humans to the future, and on a spatial scale spanning the range from atomic/molecular to planetary considerations. Graduates will also have the capacity to address problems in light of related political and economic factors.

Division's website

Division's laboratories are grouped into 2 research groups.

Research Group of Resources Engineering

Environmental Geology

Academic Staff
  • OTAKE Tsubasa, Prof.
  • KIKUCHI Ryosuke, Assist. Prof.
Eco-Materials and Resources

Academic Staff
  • SATO Tsutomu, Prof.
  • KURUMISAWA Kiyofumi, Assoc. Prof.
  • KATO Masaji, Assist. Prof.
Mineral Processing and Resources Recycling

Academic Staff
  • ITO Mayumi, Prof.
  • PARK Ilhwan, Assoc. Prof.
Chemical Resources

Academic Staff
  • HIROYOSHI Naoki, Prof.
  • Yogarajah ELAKNES, Assoc. Prof.
  • ARIMA Takahiko, Assist. Prof.
Resources Management

Academic Staff
  • Yohei(Youhei) Kawamura, Prof.
  • OHTOMO Yoko, Assoc. Prof.
  • KODAMA Jun-ichi, Prof. (specially appointed)

Research Group of Geoenvironmental Engineering

Rock Mechanics

Academic Staff
  • KAWASAKI Satoru, Prof.
  • FUKUDA Daisuke, Assoc. Prof.
  • MIN Gyeongjo, Assist. Prof.
Groundwater and Mass Transport

Academic Staff
  • HARADA Shusaku, Assoc. Prof.
Biotechnology for Resources Engineering

Academic Staff
  • NAKASHIMA Kazunori, Prof.
  • TAKANO Chikara, Assist. Prof.
Global Resources and Environmental Systems

Academic Staff
  • FUJII Yoshiaki, Prof. (specially appointed)

Laboratory of Resources Environment and Remediation

Research Group of Environmental Risk Assessment

Laboratory of Global Development Informatics


Applied Physics
Mechanical and Space Engineering
Human Mechanical Systems and Design
Materials Science and Engineering
Energy and Environmental Systems
Quantum Science and Engineering
Architectural and Structural Design
Field Engineering for the Environment
Engineering and Policy for Sustainable Environment
Human Environmental Systems
Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Resources Engineering
Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering